Diet plays a big role in  managing epilepsy as different foods can make a difference. 

1) Avoid caffeine and sugary food.  Caffeine has known to be a seizure trigger in some people.  It also is dehydrating and is a stimulant both which can be damaging for anyone with epilepsy.  So avoid coffee, soft drinks, chocolate or anything else with caffeine in it.  Some medications can increase your taste for sugar.  If you're having trouble cutting down sugar take a look at this ebook - it's excellent value and will help you long term.

2) Eat sensibly and excercise regularly.  Keeping in good health will help you manage your epilepsy better.  Enjoying a healthy lifestyle can help in this regard. 

3) Some sources say that calcium supplements do assist as well.  I know for me they have, I don't take them all the time but sporadically but seek the advice of your doctor if you have any concerns.  Also consider taking a probiotic as many anti convulsive medications can affect the immune system, this is one way to  help give your immune system the fighting power it needs to fight general infections, colds etc

4) Try and eat as much natural food as well.  Too much processed food is  bad for general health and if your general health is effected so will your ability to manage your epilepsy.  So make sure you cut down on your MSG and preservatives intake.


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